
Monday 9 June 2014

It's a Fibro kind of public holiday.

When you're a mum, and a stay at home mum, public holidays and school holidays matter very little, as you don't really know that they are happening. The only reason I knew that there was one today is because day care kindly reminded us all on Friday not to bring our kids in on Monday, as it was a public holiday and they would be enjoying their day off.

That's all well and good, but crap, Monday is my cleaning and nap day!

Actually, everyday is a nap day and come to think of it, every day is a cleaning day to some degree. What else can I expect, with 2 cats, 2 dogs, a 3 year old and an occasional tradesman husband (we are separated, hence the occasional for when he visits his daughter)?
 (We do hope to reconcile eventually.)
I forgot how much harder it is to do things with a temper tantrum throwing at the drop of a hat 3 year old determined to 'help me' & insisting on 'being the leader' at every possible opportunity. *SIGH*

It's even harder when you're having a Fibro flare. And you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & a Chronic pain condition and a migraine threatening to take hold.
I still got a heap done, but I needed a good long nap this afternoon/evening. Luckily for me, I had demanded (strongly insisted) that hubby be here to spend the day with his daughter. I can't sleep if she's not supervised. Then the little bugger decides to have a nap with me! I say little bugger, because she NEVER naps when it's just the 2 of us!
So even though I got a considerable amount done, by anyone's standards, I feel like I have achieved nothing. I guess it doesn't help that the second I finish vacuuming the cat and dog like to roll all over the mat (limited carpet in this house, due to fluffy children!) and it looks worse than it did before.

And let's not talk about trying to put the doona cover on! It's hard for me on a good day. Today was not a good day. The dogs didn't want to get off the doona. The 3 year old didn't want to get off the doona. Then she wanted to hide under the doona. Then she wanted me to flap the doona over the top of her as the dogs were enjoying it (as i'm painfully trying to get the cover off, then on again). I was nearly in tears by the time I'd changed the cover. So, the second doona is still naked. And it's going to stay that way until Wednesday, when Miss 3 has decided that she would like an extra day at kinder (day care). Thank goodness for small blessings!

It would be nice to spend a day, an entire day, playing with my daughter. I wonder what it would be like. Nothing else would get done, and I doubt that anyone would eat. I think I would need a week to recover too! I cherish the moments that I have. Most mums dream of a day to themselves to do housework unimpeded,  or go out or engage in a hobby/work/study but more likely than not, my day without mini me is going to be spent largely in bed.

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend, and feel rested and enjoyed every minute with your children, no matter how many, or how few those minutes were xox

Wednesday 28 May 2014


I just wanted to pop in and say that despite the turmoil in my life at present I still have so much to be thankful for.

A beautiful daughter, supportive & loving friends & family. My 4 loving fur babies.
A roof over my head, a nice fire to keep us warm and food in the cupboard, just to list a few!

I will readily admit that I have been focusing on the negative too much lately so now that I've realised that, I just wanted to shout out to the universe that I AM THANKFUL!

Have a cracker of a Wednesday xox

Saturday 3 May 2014

Feeling old.

I got a new handset today. I'm now rocking a galaxy s4. I have only the vaguest idea of what the hell I'm doing but i seem to have the basics down. I can blog, install apps & change my wallpaper. Send texts and I assume make calls. (I don't think anyone would appreciate a 1am phone call, even if it is from me!) But I can't get on fb or messenger or find my little emoticons for texting.
Such first world problems.
My younger sister is assisting me and failing that I'm sure that the worm could tell me what to do. (She's 3)
Feeling slightly old right now.
I don't even think mobiles had been invented when I was young. I didn't get my first phone until I was 18 and it was a brick, the only game you could play was that worm game & it was one non colour teeny tiny screen. No Internet or any of that either. How things have changed!

Saturday 26 April 2014

I just had to share

I achieved something really awesome that I've wanted to do for a long time. My sense of achievement and "rightness" is off the scale right now.
I completed my reiki level 1 today.
New awakenings have already begun.

Friday 25 April 2014


So, it is only the wee hours of the morning and i'm glad that I don't have to get up for the dawn service, as I would resemble a zombie (more so than usual).
I do want to thank all armed service personnel that protect our way of life now, sacrificed their lives in the past for my way of life now and their ongoing commitment to my country's way of life in the future.
There is a strong military connection in my family. My little brother was in Afghanistan and I thank him for his dedication and action. It wasn't easy.

We really are very lucky. Taking time each day to give thanks and show kindness is the least we can do to repay those who gave their lives, were willing to risk their lives and those who will serve in the future. Thank you.

Lest we forget.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Saturday Night - First EVER date night!

Yes, after over 10 years together, and nearly 5 years of marriage - our first ever date night. Turns out when you don't see each other every day you put in a bit of effort! Who would have thought?

We saw Noah tonight - we both quite enjoyed it. That in itself is unusual as we don't tend to like the same movies, songs, foods, hobbies or anything really! Opposites attract.

This week has been crazy. So crazy I cannot in fact recall much of what has happened at all. Oh yes I can! It was crazy busy because my sister was down for a week long whirlwind visit! YAY! I love when my sister comes to visit. It's exhausting but I love it. And the worm loves her Aunty. And, instead of just chocolate for Easter, I also scored 2 new pairs of jeans, now that i'm a bit skinnier and apparently it's not cool to go out wearing your compression gym pants ;)

I did make these. Not sure if I've already shown you.

And I've been creative... So here goes. Enjoy your Saturday night peeps.

The beast flies high & mighty in the sky
Roaring in triumph but for what, who knows
The silent battle where the real fight lies
Hidden by the anger and fury on the outside
Beneath the volcano at the base of the mount
My old friend anger sits poised to pounce
You should be retired now old friend of mine
Not risen once more to do battle within my mind
The time for peace must be now
Or forever doomed to this cycle I'll be
Go rest old friend, let the dragon sleep
My hear grows weary and my soul it weeps
Forget the pain, you have seen me through it
The hurt is gone, that rage now useless
Sleep until I needs battle again
I must find your twin your opposite end
I seek peace and love, your shelter no more
A fear I must face to move beyond this place
No fear is greater than fear itself
Mine is mighty, but so too am I
Come down now dragon come down from on high
I seek slumber and rest, your life force is mine
Now moving forward to a place of the divine
Refill your cup, let it overflow now
Your time is at its end
You will be remembered dear friend
Embrace the light, the birds fly free
And I with them, they will lead me to be.

Sunday 6 April 2014

ETSY - it's time to get this stuff happening

OK. Anyone an expert on ETSY shop set up etc? 
All input would be welcome.
I shall start trawling through their how to's and help as of tomorrow. 
But seriously, I'm going to bed now!